Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Days

Ahhh how relaxing summer is:) I have done sooo much this summer! I was in Utah for a month and had killer fun with a bunch of new friends I made, and just hanging out with my brother and his friends was so fun! I went on a pioneer trek and experienced many new feelings, but I had so fun:) and now I am just hanging in the million degree weather in good ol' Arizona:)!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So as you can see below, I am currently obsessed with jib jab! It is sooo funny and awesome! you should try it!

Me! being scared!!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!


Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Caitlin and Austin

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HEY:) SO guess what!!!? I get my braces off in less than two weeks! seven days from today!!!! I can't wait! They will be off before Caitlin's wedding and my birthday, so it is going to be the best day ever!! and also my birthday is in ten days! WOO!! I will be 14!!! SOOO excited! I can finally go to the stake dances! Hehe just joking:) So other than my happy news, there is some bad. . . . Track has been hard as heck lately. last Friday I ran a cross country loop around our school. That is about four miles!! I almost died. And the worst part is that I only ate a pop tart for lunch so I didn't have any energy for track. Then yesterday we ran a "farm run". Next to my school there is a three mile farm that we had to run around before we could leave from practice. It was difficult but it wasn't as bad as last week. And you might think it is over now, but NO! Today we had to work on speed. We sprinted twelve 100's (which is three laps for the dumb). Then ran a mile on top of that. After we relaxed and did some stomach and leg conditioning. Although it was tiring, I feel really good right now!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hey everyone!:) So this last week my school had a track meet and i made it! I competed in the 100 meter dash and got fifth out of six. Hehe I didn't do my best because we had to use blocks and I didn't really know how to use them. But I also made the four by one dash. It was really difficult because I had to learn how to catch and pass the baton on the very day of the meet. But my team did really good on that event and won. Overall the boys and girls track team beat the other school!! I can't wait to compete in another meet!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hello and good morning to ya! I am so sorry I haven't updated my blog at all lately! So let me fill you in on the dish. I was in cheer at my school but then the season ended in February. Then I decided to do another sport, I am now in TRACK! It is crazy fun! On the other hand though it is really hard. Every week we run at least five miles. Usually more than that. But I love it sooo much. :) I am competing in the 100 meter race. It is fun because all of my friends do the same race! Hmmmm what else has been going on. . . Oh yeah I think I failed to mention that my sister Caitlin is getting married!!! She will be wed on May 15th 2009 in the Mesa Temple:) I am so happy, and Austin (the groom) is awesome, and really funny and nice! I think that's basically it, so yeah:) Haha thanks for readin!!