Saturday, September 27, 2008


SORRY i haven't been on my blog lately! But i will update it for ya'll. So in the beginning of August I started 8th grade! WOOOO :] It is soo much fun. I have awesome teachers and awesome classes. And don't forget the awesome BOYS!! So anyways besides school I have pretty much just been hangin out with friends and stuff. I have been going to some of the highschool football games and they are so much fun! There are so many people there watchin the games, but it is so much fun to be with all my friends. Also I have been going ice skating at a new ice rink, it is so big and crazy! I am pretty much basically the best ice skater in there. JUST KIDDING. I wish i was. So thats pretty much all that's been going on, but I promise I will start blogging again!!
-Peace out girlscouts

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